What Cabbies Say

The data is clear in that whilst Black Cab availability has returned to near pre-Covid levels in the West End and other parts of London, the ability to hail a cab in the City of London remains a significant problem during the day and at night. In particular around Bank Junction and the surrounding areas.

Here is what some drivers are telling us:

  • I’ve been a London Taxi Driver for over 30 years and with Taxis not allowed through Bank Junction its embarrassing telling disabled passengers and people with luggage and other heavy goods you have to go all around the houses for their destination sometimes doubling the fare its not right. (Steve H)
  • As an experienced Licenced Taxi Driver, I have serviced the whole of London for many years. I normally work in the evenings in to the night. In years gone by, the City of London, especially around Bank Junction was a great place to visit and service and many a satisfied Customer I picked from there and transported to all over London and many times further afield. In the last couple of years, I have stopped travelling to get work in the City of London. This is due to the limited access and huge inevitable delays in other road around Bank Junction. Its just not worth the effort. I now tend to stay in the West End where there are less restrictions. On two occasions in the last year I have picked business passengers up in the West End and transported them to Hotels in the City of London. Both times I was I formed of the difficulty they experienced hailing a Taxi when in the City of London. One Customer said it took him 35 mins to get a Taxi the previous day. These business people said in future they would not stay in the City as the Taxi service was very poor. These are comments from Business people. I don’t service the City anymore due to earning less money in the City. (William B)
  • 35 years driving a taxi. For the last 3 years I refuse to go anywhere near the city mid afternoon into the evening I keep well away [from the City] (Alfie)
  • I will always take a customer to the city when asked. Some destinations are extremely difficult to access and once I have completed my job I will always leave the area as quickly as possible. The chance that I may get a job that in the past could have been completed without any problems now may entail such a diversion that often passengers will ask “why have we gone the long way “! I would love the opportunity to drive more in the city and in the past was a great source of work, it’s such a shame that myself and colleagues feel they are being purposely pushed away from being able just to do their work in the best fashion. (CJW)
  • As a London cab driver, I now try and steer clear of the city. The ridiculous road restrictions make once simple journeys much longer and therefore more expensive. Having to explain to every passenger why you are taking them ‘the long way’ is tiresome. (Steven)
  • I’ll take a fare to the city with an explanation (if needed) about any route deviation due to restrictions and usually an apology about the traffic. Once that fare is done I turn off my light, and drive back out of the City.  If someone approaches me wanting a cab, I tell them that I’m unavailable. I have no interest in working in the City. The restrictions cause traffic and mean that longer congested routes are the only options available. I’d rather leave the City and work where I can actually move. (Name supplied – wishes to remain Anonymous)

If you are Cabbie and you are being driven away from the Square Mile we would like to hear from you. Please email with your experience.

Please also ask your passengers to email us. Those that are concerned about women’s safety, those with mobility challenges – the elderly, the disabled, the injured – tourists, visitors or business users.